Biscuits pour rongeurs 3 légumes - Cora - 70 g

Barcode: 3257980617866 (EAN / EAN-13)

Product characteristics

Quantity: 70 g

Packaging: Carton

Brands: Cora

Categories: Pet food, Rodent food

Labels, certifications, awards: fr:Mis au point par des vétérinaires

Manufacturing or processing places: Union Européenne

EMB code: EMB 59599 - Tourcoing (Nord, France), HU 13 1 00146

Stores: Cora

Countries where sold: France


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
Oeufs et produits d'oeufs (31%), sucres, céréales, sous-produits d'origine végétale, légumes 4% (épinards, poireaux, carottes), substances minérales, huiles et graisses, lait et produits de laiterie. Additif : conservateur.

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Nutrition facts

Nutrition facts are not specified on the product.

Comparison to average values of products in the same category:

(1714 products)

→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.

Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
Pet food
Energy (kJ) ??
Energy (kcal) ?44 kcal
Fat ?8.91 g
Carbohydrates ?4.82 g
Proteins ?19.2 g

Product added on by tacite.
Last edit of product page on by tacite.
Product page also edited by teolemon.

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