Delice with salmon, tuna and vegetables - Brekkies - 1.5 kg

Barcode: 3700260210061 (EAN / EAN-13)

Product characteristics

Common name: A complete cat food for all stages

Quantity: 1.5 kg

Packaging: Green dot, Pensez au tri!, Sac plastique à jeter

Brands: Brekkies

Categories: Pet food, Cat food, Dry cat food, Dry pet food

Stores: Carrefour Market

Countries where sold: Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
cereals (corn 4%), meat and animal derivatives, vegetable protein extracts, oils and fats, derivatives of vegetable origin, vegetables (1.5% dehydrated peas in kibbles with vegetables), minerals, fish and fish derivatives (2% dehydrated salmon in kibbles with salmon, 2% dehydrated tuna in kibbles with tuna), molluscs and crustaceans (2% dehydrated shrimps in the filling), additives (vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, Ferrous sulfate monohyd, ferric oxide, potassium iodide, copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, manganese sulfate monohydrate, sodium selenite, taurine, antioxidants, colorants)

Substances or products causing allergies or intolerances: Crustaceans, Fish, Molluscs

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Nutrition facts

Nutrient levels for 100 g

moderate quantity12 g Fat in moderate quantity

Comparison to average values of products in the same category:

(237 products)
(327 products)
(1148 products)
(1714 products)

→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.

Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
Dry cat foodDry pet foodCat foodPet food
Energy (kJ) ???638 kj?
Energy (kcal) ?236 kcal154 kcal103 kcal44 kcal
Fat 12 g-12%-9%+26%+35%
Carbohydrates ?3.25 g5.15 g3.83 g4.82 g
Fibers 2 g+20%-36%+23%-42%
Proteins 32 g+14%+20%+61%+67%
Vitamin E 8.5 mg??-73%-84%
Iron 9.3 mg????
Zinc 13 mg??-4%?
Copper 0.8 mg??-76%?
Manganese 3.6 mg??-77%?
Selenium 10 µg????
Iodine 130 µg??-97%?
Taurine 0.095 g??-58%-50%

Product added on by foodviewer.
Last edit of product page on by lafel.
Product page also edited by openfoodfacts-contributors, psine, sebleouf.

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