Tender dinner chicken & salmon (senior) - Rosie's Farm - 100g

Barcode: 4062911006096 (EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Quantity: 100g

Packaging: Aluminio

Brands: Rosie's Farm

Categories: pt:ração húmida completa

Origin of ingredients: Alemanha

Manufacturing or processing places: Alemanha

Countries where sold: Portugal


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
60% base de corações de frango, carne de frango, fígado de frango,moelas de frango, 28,8% caldo, 10% salmão, 1% minerais, 0.2% óleo de salmão

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Nutrition facts

Nutrient levels for 100 g

moderate quantity5.9 g Fat in moderate quantity

Serving size: 100g

Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
As sold
per serving (100g)
Energy (kJ) 401 kj401 kj
Energy (kcal) 96 kcal96 kcal
Energy 401 kj
(96 kcal)
401 kj
(96 kcal)
Fat 5.9 g5.9 g
Carbohydrates ??
Fibers 0.3 g0.3 g
Proteins 10.4 g10.4 g
Taurine 1.5 g1.5 g

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