Gourmet - purina - 85g

Barcode: 7613036411981 (EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Quantity: 85g

Brands: Purina

Categories: Pet food, Cat food

Stores: super u

Countries where sold: France


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
AU BCEUF MET RUND Aliment complet pour chats adultes. Composition: Viandes et sous-produits animaux (dont boeuf 4 %), poissons et Sos-produits de poissons, substances minérales, sucres. Additifs: Additifs nutritionnels: UI/kg:Vit A: 896; Vit D3 : 137 ; mg/kg:Sulfate monohydraté: 31,5; lodate de calcium anhydre:0,39; cuivrique pentahydraté : 3,5 ; Sulfate manganeux monohydraté: 6,1; Sulfate de zinc monohydraté:51. Constituants Humidité:78,0% Protéine:10,5 %, Teneur en matières %, Cendres brutes: 2,8 %, Cellulose brute: 0,03%. OVolledig diervoeder voor volwassen katten. VIlees en dierlijke bijproducten (waarvan 4% ), vis en visbijproducten, mineralen, suiker. Nutritionele toevoegingsmiddelen: IE/kg: A: 896; Vit. D: 137; mg/kg: IJzer(ll)sulfaat-monohydraat: 31,5; watervrij: 0,39; KoperIl)sulfaat-pentahydraat: 3,5; 6,1; Zinksulfaat-monohydraat:51. 78,0% ;Eiwit:10,5%; Vetgehalte:7,0 % ferreux Sulfate analytiques: grasses:7,0 Samenstelling: und oevoegingsmiddelen: Vit. Caldiumjodaat, angaan(l)sulfaat-monohydraat: nalytischebestanddelen:Vocht: Ruwe as:2,8%; Ruwe celstof: 0,03%

Substances or products causing allergies or intolerances: Fish

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Nutrition facts

Serving size: 85g

Comparison to average values of products in the same category:

(1148 products)
(1714 products)

→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.

Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
As sold
per serving (85g)
Cat foodPet food
Energy (kJ) ??638 kj?
Energy (kcal) ??103 kcal44 kcal
Fat ??9.49 g8.91 g
Carbohydrates ??3.83 g4.82 g
Proteins ??19.9 g19.2 g

Product added on by kiliweb.
Last edit of product page on by psine.
Product page also edited by beniben, ded, openfoodfacts-contributors.

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